Dr. Christoph Albers | Dr. Martina Robert | Dr. Brigitte Borchard | Anne Christin Schäfer


  • Resting ECG, 24-hour ECG
  • 24-hour blood pressure measurement
  • Pulmonary function diagnostics
  • Ultrasound examinations: Abdomen, thyroid gland, etc.
  • Rectoscopy
  • Laboratory diagnostics incl. infection-specific diagnostics

Medical services

The practice offers comprehensive general medical services. These include primary care, health checks, vaccinations and special treatments for chronic diseases such as diabetes and COPD. There are also programs for HIV and hepatitis therapy, travel medicine advice, manual therapies and acupuncture. Psychosomatic medicine and addiction counseling are also part of the service. Minor surgical interventions and infectious disease diagnostics are also carried out.

The focus of our practice is on general GP care. In addition to acute infections, abdominal pain or other complaints, we treat chronic illnesses such as diabetes, COPD, thyroid disease, coronary heart disease or mental illness.

Maintaining health is the focus of our work. We carry out health checks (once between the ages of 18 and 35 and every 3 years from the age of 35), cancer screenings and regular vaccinations. We offer so-called “disease management programs” (DMP) = chronic disease programs for high blood pressure, COPD, asthma, coronary heart disease and diabetes.

Over the last 35 years, HIV infection has been transformed from an inevitably fatal disease into a chronic but easily treatable illness. With usually one tablet a day and good tolerance, a largely normal life with normal sexuality, good quality of life and an almost age-appropriate life expectancy can be achieved.

It is also extremely important to make the diagnosis as early as possible!

We also offer pre-exposure prophylaxis and post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV infection.

We offer high-quality advice, diagnostics and treatment and cooperate with AIDS support services and other specialist disciplines.

Further information on HIV-PrEP can be found here.

HEPATITIS is an inflammation of the liver that is often chronic and can lead to a deterioration in liver function. Most forms of hepatitis are caused by viruses. The most common are

-Hepatitis A: is usually transmitted through food and drink in countries with poor hygiene standards. It almost always heals spontaneously and can be reliably prevented by vaccination.

-Hepatitis B: is transmitted through sexual intercourse and blood, often becomes chronic and can also be reliably prevented by vaccination. A medical cure can only be achieved in exceptional cases, but there are long-term medications that prevent the disease from progressing.

-Hepatitis C: is also transmitted through blood and sexual intercourse and often becomes a chronic, progressive disease. Final relief from the hepatitis C virus can be achieved in almost 100% of cases through 8 to 12 weeks of treatment with excellently tolerated medication.

We will be happy to advise you and carry out diagnostics and possibly treatment.

In addition to HIV / AIDS and hepatitis, we are also happy to take care of other infectious diseases, e.g. sexually transmitted diseases such as lues / syphilis, gonorrhea / gonorrhea, chlamydia and others. You are also in the right place with “souvenirs” from trips abroad and other suspected or confirmed infectious diseases.

Dependence and addiction are a socio-political phenomenon and problem, but primarily affect the individual affected and their environment.

We are happy to advise you on and even better in the run-up to risky, dangerous consumption, abuse and dependency/addiction. For tobacco, alcohol, medication and illegal substances. In the case of opiate addiction, there is the possibility of substitution with preparations such as methadone, polamidone and buprenorphine.

We work together with all institutions of the drug help system.

Psychosomatic medicine – treating mind and body as a cohesive unit

Many physical ailments cannot be diagnosed using objective diagnostic methods such as laboratory values or ultrasound examinations. Why do I always have stomach pains when I’m sad? Another case of tinnitus due to work-related stress! Typical examples of psychosomatic illnesses are irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bladder syndrome, cardiac anxiety neuroses, eating disorders or psychogenic itching. Many patients in our practice suffer from these illnesses. Unfortunately, these illnesses are often stigmatized by the public and seen as a “sign of weakness”.

Specialist training in general medicine includes special training for psychosomatic illnesses. We are happy to help here, please speak openly about your complaints!

In addition to checking your regular vaccinations, we also advise you on vaccinations before planned trips abroad. We will also inform you about travel-related topics such as malaria prophylaxis or the spread of important diseases. Depending on the destination, type and duration of your stay, certain vaccinations are recommended. The costs of travel medical advice and vaccines are partly covered by health insurance. We recommend that you obtain information from your health insurance company in advance. Our travel vaccination consultation is an individual health service (IGeL) and must be paid for in the practice after the consultation and vaccinations. Please submit our invoice to your health insurance company with a request for reimbursement. To allow enough time for the vaccinations, please contact us at least 6 weeks before you travel.

The vaccination against dengue fever must be started at least 3 months before the start of the trip and is only recommended for travelers who have already had dengue fever once in the past.

Our practice is an officially approved yellow fever vaccination center. For some travel destinations (especially Africa and South America) a yellow fever vaccination is recommended or even mandatory. We will be happy to advise/vaccinate you.

Manual therapy – treatment with the hands

Manual therapy is used to treat functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, i.e. joints, muscles and nerves.
With the help of special hand movements, mobilization techniques and active and passive exercises, pain relief and the restoration of disturbed movement sequences are achieved.
This allows the musculoskeletal system to work together harmoniously again.

AcupunctureAcupuncture – when needles can help

Acupuncture is a treatment used in traditional Chinese medicine. Special needles are inserted into certain acupuncture points.
It is based on the idea that the body’s vital energy, known as “Qi”, circulates along certain pathways in the body and influences bodily functions.
When the flow of energy is disrupted, complaints and illnesses occur. The necessary energy flow is restored by needling the acupuncture points located on these pathways.
This can alleviate or even eliminate complaints.
Acupuncture can be an important complement to western medicine.

If you are interested, please contact us!

Our doctors with surgical experience offer minor surgical procedures (e.g. removal of moles, treatment of nail bed inflammation, etc.)

Get in touch with us

Get in touch with us! Make an appointment now or ask your questions directly via our contact page.


Our consultation hours

Day Morning Afternoon
Monday 8:00–12:00 14:00–18:00
Tuesday 8:00–12:00 14:00–18:00
Wednesday 8:00–12:00 -
Thursday 8:00–12:00 14:00–18:00
Friday 8:00–13:00 -




Steinfurter Straße 56, 48149 Münster

flu vaccination 2024/25

You can make an appointment for this year’s flu vaccination or flu-corona combination vaccination with us until October 1, 2024. Click here to make an online appointment!

The annual flu vaccination is recommended by the STIKO (Standing Committee on Vaccination) for the following groups of people: